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I Belong To You [+Mon Coeur S'ouvre A Toi]
27.12.2009, 16:43

When these pillars get pulled down
It will be you who wears the crown
And I'll owe everything to you

How much pain has cracked your soul?
How much love would make you whole?
You're my guiding lightning strike

I can't find the words to say
They're overdue
I'd travel half the world to say
"I belong to you"

And she attacks me like a Leo
When my heart is split like Rio
And I assure you my debts are real

I can't find the words to say
When I'm confused
I'd travel half the world to say
"You are my muse"

[Mon Coeur S'ouvre a Ta Voix]
Ah! Reponds,
Reponds a ma tendresse
Verse-moi l'ivresse!
Reponds a ma tendresse!
Reponds a ma tendresse!
Ah! Verse-moi l'ivresse!

I belong
I belong to you


I can't find the words to say
They're overdue
I traveled half the world to say
"I belong to you"

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Категория: Muse - The Resistance | Добавил: GloveR | Теги: Music free, скачать песню бесплатно, I Belong To You +Mon Coeur S'ouvre , Muse - The Resistance, The Resista, James Bellamy, Indie-Rock
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